

B1P-25 | NX Tutorial Modeling Combine extrude and revolve, Sketching with reference curves, Curve selectionPractice makes perfect The course combines once again the already learned commands and sequences on the base of a new task. In the first sketch, reference...


B1P-28-E | NX Tutorial ModelingShell, draft, methods for change-stable designChange complex models easily... ... How are cast and plastic parts designed effectively, quickly and with stability against change? In this expert course, the topic of drafts is discussed in...


B1P-12-A | NX Tutorial Modeling Draft, offset, relationsIn 9 minutes??? (9=very fast, 12=fast, 15=OK) Welcome to the next "Test yourself"! This additional course is once again about ribs, no, actually about the possibility of creating a ridge from a simple line, if...


B1P-12-1 | NX Tutorial Modeling Draft in Extrude, Ribs, MethodologyYour first plastic part... In order to be able to remove castings and plastic parts from the molds more easily, draft angles are required on the vertical surfaces. Usually only one to two degrees of...


B1P-27-1 | NX Tutorial Modeling Shell and draftAgain a 3-part exercise... The exercise shows the basic handling of the Draft and Shell commands. In the next exercise (B1P-27-2), the raw part is machined. In the following expert exercise (B1P-28-E) a typical plastic...