

B1P-6 | NX Tutorial Modeling Position sketch, Combine bodies in extrude, Mirror in sketchCombine bodies? Until now, all bodies were created in a single step. But this exercise requires the body to be created over multiple steps.That is, for the first time, the part is...


B1P-19 | NX Tutorial Modeling Sketching with reference curves (auxiliary geometries), Create arcs in the sketch, Position coordinate systemsReference curves... Sometimes, auxiliary geometries are needed to create the required dimensioning or relation. NX calls such...


B1P-19-A | NX Tutorial Modeling Angular hole on cylindrical surface and position coordinate systemNot so simple, but possible ... Welcome to the next "Test yourself"! With the knowledge from the last course, positioning the angular hole on the cylindrical surface is...


B2A-15-1 | Siemens NX Tutorial AssembliesOverride Position When identical assemblies have to be different... The Override Position command makes it possible to overwrite existing constraints in a higher-level assembly. This allows selected constraints of the...


B2A-15-2 | Siemens NX Tutorial AssembliesOverride Position of Robots Next level: when identical assemblies have to be different... In the second part of the course you will now learn to select the constraints of a robot in such a way that you can move the gripper...