

B1P-3-1 | NX Tutorial Modeling Create and dimension sketch (new sketcher), revolve and screw holeYour first sketch ... Create the outer contour of a component using a sketch and convert it into a solid using the rotate command. Create and dimension the first sketch...


B1P-4-A | NX Tutorial Modeling Sketch, revolve, chamfer and edge blendTest yourself! Are you able to design this part now? In 5 minutes? Welcome to the first "Test yourself"! This exercise does not teach any new content, but rather gives you the opportunity to review...


B1P-9-A | NX Tutorial Modeling Revolve, Mirror feature, Combine sketches and edgesCheck you knowledge... Welcome to the next "Test yourself"!This exercise does not teach any new content, but rather gives you the opportunity to review and consolidate your knowledge. If...


B1P-24 | NX Tutorial ModelingRevolve sketch (with multiple contours), Extrude until selected, Check number of bodiesControl number of bodies... The course shows new possibilities, but also problems, in selecting sketches (with multiple contours) for the revolve...


B1P-25 | NX Tutorial Modeling Combine extrude and revolve, Sketching with reference curves, Curve selectionPractice makes perfect The course combines once again the already learned commands and sequences on the base of a new task. In the first sketch, reference...


B1P-37-A | NX Tutorial Modeling Helix, Tube, RevolveIt's easier than it looks ... Are you able to design this part now? In 6 minutes? (6=very fast, 9=fast, 12=OK) This additional course is once again about the helix, positioning coordinate systems, mirroring in the...