TT-3 | Siemens NX – Tips and Tricks

Change colour via expression

Products with identification colours have the same geometry, but different colours. There are many possible solutions for this, but the best would be, to be able, to change the colour via an expression.
Here is the code:
setColor=ug_setObjectColor(First(ug_cycleObjectsByType({ug_body}, “”)), colorID)

Siemens NX | Change colour via expression

Lesson 03 from 12

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Find the assembly

TT-1 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Find the assembly in windows

Since all files in NX have the same file extension, it seems impossible at first to distinguish between assemblies and components in Windows. But it is quite simple!



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Find the assembly

TT-2 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Work with Component Anchors!

With coordinate systems defined as anchors, you can significantly speed up the installation of components.



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Siemens NX | Change colour via expression

TT-3 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Change colour via expression

Products with identification colours have the same geometry, but different colours. There are many possible solutions for this, but the best would be, to be able, to change the colour via an expression.



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create inner volume

TT-4 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Create the inner volume

Do you have complex parts and need the inner volume? It's easy with the right selection. Start the Delete command, and combine the option Region Faces with All But Selected.


The part for the lesson

Target value optimization

TT-5 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Target value optimization

The Optimization command can be used to find the target value using automated tests.
Normally, the variables change the result in a calculable way. But if the constraints are very complex, the desired result must be determined through testing. A parameter is adjusted until a measurement corresponds to the target value. The number of tests, calculation time and tolerance can be set.


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center of gravity

TT-6 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Show center of gravity in model, assembly and drawing

The center of gravity (center of mass) for a model or assembly can be created associatively using the Measure command. To show the center of gravity in a drawing, it must be in the reference set model, and with the help of layers it is shown in selected views.



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How to restore the rotation curve

TT-7 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
How to restore the rotation curve

The Revolve Outline command can be used to restore the rotation curve with just a few clicks. And this works with a parametric model as well as with a non-parametric model (step). And so complex parts become simple turned parts again.


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Replace sketch curves

TT-8 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Replace sketch curves

References can be lost when changes are made to sketches. The Replacement Assistant allows you to replace (mapping) the sketch curve without error.



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Siemens NX Tutorial | Find and create shortcuts

TT-9 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Find and create shortcuts

Create and save new shortcuts. Make a list of all the existing shortcuts in NX. Also included is a list of useful shortcuts.


Usefull shortcuts

Save settings in menus with Favorites

TT-10 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Save settings in menus with Favorites

Favorites can be used to save settings in the menus. The saved settings can be called up later in the command. A user-defined icon can also be linked to the favorites and called up directly via the user interface.


NX TT-10

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Blend pockets

TT-11 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Create realistic milling pockets with just a few clicks

The Blend Pocket command helps to quickly create radii that are suitable for production in a milling pocket. The command immediately generates a geometry corresponding to the cutter diameter and thus also helps to find the right diameter. It produces realistic results even if the pocket has undercuts. This allows you to customise the built-in parts perfectly. The command cannot be found directly in the user interface, but is nevertheless included in the basic licence.


NX TT-11

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Blend pockets

TT-12 | Siemens NX Tutorial - Tips and Tricks
Find overwritten dimensions

Manual dimensions on drawings can result in very high costs, but it is quite easy, to check a drawing for manual dimensions.


NX TT-12

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